Teach’n – Learn’n and have’n Fun!
We had a full classroom in San Diego this past Friday and Saturday, September 11-12, 2009 — in fact we had to turn a few away and re-schedule them for future classes!
A majority of the students were from the pool service industry, commercial and residential.
Some other students were in commercial management, overseeing their facility’s public swimming pool. They wanted to know just what their pool service company was doing (or not doing) to ensure that their pools were healthy and safe for public use. By the end of class, all these managers felt very comfortable and well-informed enough to quiz and ask intelligent questions of their pool guy! Maybe one question to ask them is: “Are you a CPO?” And a follow-up if the answer is ‘no’: “Why not?”
The classes are always enjoyable and fun, with great feedback.

Our Breakfast and Refeshment table
Elise worked especially hard hauling all the stuff up to the second floor and setting up the classroom and breakfast/refeshment table.
Our host, SCP-San Diego was very gracious–as always. We want to thank Branch Manager, Brett Devanna, and Regional Manager, Lenny Maffei, for their ‘open house’ attitude to us and to our students. A special thanks goes to Operations Manager, David Ogren, for coming back Saturday afternoon and locking up for us.
Thanks again, guys! You’re helping us educate the pool industry one class at a time–and we couldn’t achieve this goal without you PoolCorp!

Brett and Steve – and their morning coffee