The month of May is National Water Safety Month: “an annual awareness campaign coordinated by the Association of Pool & Spa Professionals w ith support from the National Recreation & …
Available Chlorine Content
On page 50 of our Pool & Spa Operator Handbook in chapter 5, there is an excellent chart that lists all the chlorine compounds and their respective characteristics/properties. One of the properties listed …
Consider the Pool Inspector An Ally!
We just finished up our third CPO Certification class of the new year this past Thursday and Friday, February 9-10, at PoolCorp’s Superior Products building in Anaheim. And we have …
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
We started off the new year of 2012 with our Certified Pool/Spa Operator® Certification class in Anaheim this past Thursday and Friday, January 12-13. When we rolled in on Wednesday …
Flow Rate and Water Velocity
We finished out the year of 2011 at PoolCorp’s Superior Pool Products building in Anaheim this past Thursday and Friday (December 8-9). The CPO students were energetic and ready to learn about …
You Need to Know How Much Water is in the Pool !
When you maintain a swimming pool – residential or commercial – you MUST know how much water is in it. If you know how much water is the the pool, you …
GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) vs. Circuit Breaker
When we are in Chapter 14 (Facility Safety) of the Pool & Spa Operator Handbook, discussing electrical safety during our CPO® class, we talk about the difference between a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) …
TriChlor and DiChlor — What do they have in common?
Chlorine is an element of nature – it is number 17 in group 17 (Halogens) on the Periodic Chart of the Elements. It is a gas in its elemental …
Total Alkalinity – What is it exactly?
There are several phrases and terms used to describe Total Alkalinity (TA): The buffering capacity of water Water’s ability to neutralize acid The pH stabilizer The ability of water to …
What changes the pH of pool water?
Just about everything that is added to the pool water will change the pH. And anything that exits or is carried out of the water changes the pH. Even the …